>> 10 Years: Quickie 10

Quickie 10

Artist: 10 Years

Latest Album: Feeding the Wolves

In Stores: 08/31/2010

Official Site

The members of 10 Years might not have used the word crossroads when they began the making of their newest Universal Republic album, but all would concur the wolf was at the door. Figuratively and literally – agree frontman Jesse Hasek and bassist Lewis Cosby; Fighting off the most unforgiving of predatory assaults that comes with the territory of a respected, veteran band like 10 Years who bears the scars of every battle won or lost along the way.

1. Have you ever gone fishing?
I feel obligated to say yes to this since I am from Tennessee, but I actually never have!  I'm pretty sure that I am the only member of the band who has never gone fishing.

2. Do you believe in karma?

I do believe in karma.  I don't feel that it always works out the way you want it to, but I find peace in believing that what goes around comes around. 

3. Worst thing I have ever eaten?

I have tried a lot of things that were disgusting over the years, but recently one occurrence really made me pretty sick.  To make a long story short, I accidentally took a huge sip of really, really old curdled milk.  I wouldn't wish that upon even my biggest enemies!
4. Under or over?
Absolutely over.  I don't understand you unders out there!

5. Have you ever won a contest?
I spent my entire youth playing competitive tennis so I have won a bunch of tennis tournaments.  Also, I won my 5th grade spelling bee.  Yes, I'm Asian. Ha

6. What do you miss the most about being a kid?
The complete lack of responsibility!  Being an adult sucks sometimes! 

7. Favorite candy bar?
I keep it simple... Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar.

8. Type of vehicle you drive?
I just take my private jet everywhere.  Even Wal-Mart. 

9. ______ is so over-rated? 
Living on a smelly tour bus with 9 other unshowered men. 

10. Two songs off your album "Feeding the Wolves" that everyone needs to hear?
"Fade Into (the ocean)" and "Shoot it Out".  The album starts with one of these songs and ends with the other.  These songs are just so representative of what this band is at this moment in time.



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