>> Hawthorne Heights: Quickie 10

“We’ve only been together six years,” says Hawthorne Heights drummer Eron Bucciarelli. “But it seems we already have a story worthy of a VH1 Behind the Music episode.”

Indeed, the band’s career has been pretty eventful since breaking out of Dayton, OH, with 2004’s platinum debut, The Silence in Black, on the influential Chicago-based indie label Victory Records, on the heels of MTV and VH1 airplay for the single, “Ohio is for Lovers.” The 2006 gold follow-up, If Only You Were Lonely, debuted at #3 on the Billboard Album charts, producing the Top 10 Modern Rock smash, “Saying Sorry.”

1. DIY or Hire someone?
Do it yourself to start but don't underestimate the damage you can do by bogging yourself down with things that can easily be looked after by a good employee.

2. What's your favorite invention?
I've become pretty damn reliant on my apple tv, those things are amazing.

3. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem?
Yeah, I'm fairly confident I could get through the whole without a train wreck.

4. Do you have any allergies?
Yes, I got tested when I was younger and apparently I was allergic to EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET; grass, dust, dust mites, cigarette smoke, you name it.  However, I've apparently built up immunities to many of them.  My allergies don't bother me like they used to.

5. Fingers or toes?
Fingers...there's nothing better than sitting around just watching your fingers fing.

6. I'd rather be:
...at the movies!

7. How many keys are on your keychain?
4, I don't like a bulking janitor's keychain.  I've only got room for the essentials. 

8. Middle Name:
Alan...pretty blah

9. Have you ever busted a piñata?
I'm sure I have but I can't recall a single time...maybe that's a no then.

10. 2 Tracks off of "Skeletons" that everyone should hear?
Drive & Boy.  I'll send you a buck if you don't like either.  To claim your dollar just call me at.......




Haha, I love Micah. XD

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