InVogue Records

City Lights: The Way Things Should Be

City Light's sophmore release on InVogue Records.  ... Read more

Dayseekers: What It Means To Be Defeated

Hailing from San Diego, the rock outfit Dayseeker recently released their debut album What It Means To Be Defeated courtesy of InVogue Records. Lead by frontman Rory Rodriguez, this hard rock group may be incorrectly labeled as simply another screaming band by some critics.... Read more

Liferuiner: Future Revisionists

Liferuiner is a hardcore band out of Toronto although they are no stranger to the USA. The band formed in 2004 and toured relentlessly. Future Revisionists is the bands highly anticipated first album since 2008. ... Read more

Famous Last Words: Two-Faced Charade

Two-Faced Charade, the debut album for the band named Famous Last Words can be summed up in two words, loud and exhaustive. This punk, death metal band does what this style of music intends for it to do, be loud, be fast, and be so full of power and energy that it's explodes out of the speakers.... Read more
