>> Amelia (2009)

Title: Amelia

Genre: Drama

Starring: Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Virginia Madsen, Ewan McGregor, Mia Wasikowska

Director: Mira Nair

Studio: Fox Searchlight

In Theatres: October 23, 2009

MPAA Rating: PG

Reason for Rating: some sensuality, language, thematic elements and smoking.

Official Site


After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones) to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam (Richard Gere), and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.


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