>> Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

Title: Beasts Of The Southern Wild

Genre: Drama, Foreign Films

Starring: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry

Director: Benh Zeitlin

Studio: Fox Searchlight

Runtime: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes

In Theatres: June 29, 2012

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Reason for Rating: Some Disturbing Images, Brief Sensuality, Language, Child Imperilment and Thematic Material

Official Site


A six-year-old girl from the southern Delta searches for her long-lost mother after her father falls ill and her world spins out of balance in the film that took home the Grand Jury Prize and Best Cinematography award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. A harsh but loving father, Wink swore that his beloved daughter Hushpuppy would be prepared for the day he was no longer able to look after her. Little did Wink realize that day would come sooner than anyone suspected, and when illness strikes him down, nature runs amuck. As the soaring temperatures melt ice caps and the sea levels swell, a race of prehistoric beasts named the aurochs emerge to reclaim the planet. Meanwhile, as the apocalypse unfolds, determined Hushpuppy bravely sets out on a mission to reunite with the mother she's never known.


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