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The Package

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Running Time: 
95 minutes

Just because Tommy Wick (played by Steve Austin) is an enforcer for a Seattle mob boss, that don't mean he's a mean guy. When it comes to his family he will do anything to make sure they remain safe, which includes taking over a very sizable debt that his brother owes to the mob boss while his brother is in prison. Hating the life he leads of beating up people who don't pay his boss the money they owe, Tommy figures he will never pay off the debt. But when the boss offers him a job that would clear all debts owed, Tommy can't pass it up. All he has to do is deliver a small package to the German (played by Dolph Lundgren) and when the job is complete, Tommy and his brother will be free. Believing the job to be a simple one, Tommy finds himself being hunted down by hit men and mercenaries that only want to see him dead and the package to not reach the German. It's a race to the German that Tommy might not make it back from.