>> The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

Title: The Adventures Of TinTin

Genre: Action/Adventure, Animation, Family

Starring: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg

Director: Steven Spielberg

Studio: Paramount

Runtime: 1 Hour, 47 Minutes

In Theatres: December 21, 2011

MPAA Rating: PG

Reason for Rating: Adventure action violence, some drunkenness and brief smoking

Official Site


Director Steven Spielberg kicks off the big-screen Tintin trilogy with this computer-animated motion-capture adaptation of Herge's beloved Tintin comic strip. Produced by Spielberg, Peter Jackson, and Kathleen Kennedy, the first installment in the series finds adventure-seeking Belgian reporter Tintin (voiced by Jamie Bell) and surly Captain Haddock (voiced by Andy Serkis) racing to recover a powerful artifact that was lost at sea four centuries ago. Meanwhile, the malevolent Red Rackham (voiced by Daniel Craig) is determined to beat them to it. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Toby Jones provide additional voices for a film written by Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish, and Steven Moffat.


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