>> Castle: The Late Shaft (Episode Review)

Show: Castle

Episode(s): The Late Shaft

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, Jon Huertas, Tamala Jones, Seamus Dever, Susan Sullivan, Molly Quinn

Network: ABC

Airdate/Time: April 12, 2010 10:00pm

Rating: 3.30 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

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I think Peter is trying to force me to be a fan of Castle. This is the second episode from the current season that I’ve had to review in the past month or so. Hehe…

I’m kidding of course…but seriously. He is.

At any rate, this episode of Castle has the same semi-serious tone mixed with a certain devil-may-care attitude as the previous ones that I’ve seen. As with those installments, the chemistry between the cast members is the main selling point of the show. That’s not to knock the writing or the stories, just that (in my mind) that’s the best part and the main reason to watch. The writing is snappy and punchy enough to enjoyable and the stories are fairly solid.

Case in point? This episode. It’s not awful, but it’s also a tad predictable. It’s also blatantly inspired by the recent late night TV show scandals/news. Without giving too much away, this episode pulls from Leno, Letterman and O’Brien as it features a late night talk show host, Bobby Mann, and his unlikely death right after Castle appears on his show. One of the best parts of the episode is seeing Fred Willard as Mann’s sidekick on his show. He plays his role in a fairly restrained way, but I never get tired of watching Willard at work.

The resolution of the episode is a bit clichéd, but again, the work of the cast really helps elevate the more lackluster bits. As before, check this out if you’re in need of a crime drama with a humorous twist.


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