>> Black Widow Will Get Her Own Film...

Source: Empire

One of the undoubted highlights of Iron Man 2 for anyone who falls into the Venn diagram crossover of People Who Are Fans Of Scarlett Johansson, People Who Like Ladies In Jumpsuits and People Who Enjoy Seeing Attractive Folk Beat Up Bad Guys was Johansson’s role as Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow. And while Marvel’s Kevin Feige didn’t exactly confirm that a standalone film for the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is guaranteed, he did at least talk up the ongoing discussions.

It should come as no surprise that the Iron Man 2 DVD/Blu-Ray arrives next week in the US (we have to wait until October 25 for it to make it over to Britain), since Feige has been hitting the promotional trail. Speaking at a press conference attended by Coming Soon, he announced, "We've already started discussions with Scarlett about the idea of a solo movie and have begun putting together concepts", before cautioning, “The Avengers comes first.”

Since Johansson was confirmed at this year’s Comic-Con as being part of the Avengers line-up, it makes sense that Marvel would wait to see how audiences react to that film before making any final decision about letting the Black Widow loose on her own. Still, given her long history in the comics, surely there’s enough scope for a decent film about her adventures?

Title: Black Widow

Genre: Action/Adventure

Studio: Marvel


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