>> Wahlberg May Fall For Bait And Switch

Source: Empire

All too often, you hear actors complaining that the script for their current movie was so much better before shooting started and that they feel like it could’ve been something special. Well, we hope Mark Wahlberg won’t be saying the same if he signs on to Universal’s new project, especially since the script is titled Bait and Switch.

Mathew J O’Neill has penned the script, which is the first one he’s sold. Variety reports that there are no details on the plot just yet, but that it’s an action comedy.

It makes sense that Wahlberg might be interested, since he has definitely been trying to blend the genres recently, and found solid success when paired with Will Ferrell on The Other Guys. And purely on the comedy front, he’s about to start shooting Seth McFarlane’s Ted, which will see him playing a man whose childhood wish for his teddy to come to life ends up causing him trouble when the creature sticks around after he’s grown up.

Also on Wahlberg’s schedule is the release of drug thriller Contraband, adapted from a Danish thriller. He’s also been attached to David O Russell’s planned cinematic version of the Uncharted video game series…

Title: Bait And Switch

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Mark Wahlberg


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