>> Jack Osbourne Directing horror flick 'Black Sabbath'

Source: Empire

Details are thin on the ground, but it seems that Jack Osbourne is about to direct Black Sabbath, using the music of his dad's iconic metal band. That should make the rights easy to come by.

It's not Jack's first toe in the waters of moviedom, since he was a producer on the recent concert documentary God Bless Ozzy Osbourne. That film's co-producer Marc Weingarten is also aboard Black Sabbath, but he isn't planning a docco along similar lines. Nor are we talking about a remake of the Mario Bava film from which the band took its name.

It is a horror movie though, and all indications would seem to be that this is the same Black Sabbath that Sabbs guitarist Tony Iommi was involved with a couple of years ago, alongside Hostel and Texas Chainsaw Massacre producer Mike Fleiss.

Info was sketchy back then too. Could this be taking the template of the Bava movie after all, in that it's a portmanteau, but based around Sabbath's songs? If that's remotely the case, we're suggesting a bridging story in which Satan slowly approaches "round the bend" to the sound of churchbells and a thunderstorm, with stand-alone episodes based on The Wizard, Snowblind and Fairies Wear Boots. Sadly others have beaten the production to Iron Man and Into the Void. Sort of.

Shooting on Black Sabbath is due to start by year's end.

Title: Black Sabbath

Genre: Horror

Director: Jack Osbourne


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