>> Ric Roman Waugh To Direct Sci-fi Thriller "Tipping Point"

Relativity Media announced today it has closed a deal with Ric Roman Waugh (Felon, Snitch) to direct and rewrite the sci-fi thriller currently-titled Tipping Point, based on the original screenplay from Todd Stein.

Tipping Point is a tense, riveting sci-fi thriller that paints an ominous picture of the world 100 years into the future. With the world’s population approaching 10 billion, the penalty for having children without a license is death – no questions, no excuses, and no mercy. Ruthless Population Control Officer Solomon Cage lives only for his job, until the day he discovers two fugitives he’s been pursuing are the love of his life who mysteriously disappeared years ago and the 12-year-old son he never knew he had.

Producing are Temple Hill Entertainment’s Marty Bowen (The Twilight Saga) and Wyck Godfrey (The Twilight Saga) alongside Relativity’s CEO Ryan Kavanaugh (The Fighter) and Industry Entertainment’s Andrew Deane (The Double). Relativity’s president Tucker Tooley (Immortals) and Industry Entertainment’s Jess Rosenthal (Fire With Fire) will serve as executive producers.


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