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Playstation 3

Mass Effect 2

In 2010, Mass Effect 2 amazed critics and gamers alike with its supposed brilliance. After a series of rumors and denials, the sequel to a trilogy that was once thought to be an Xbox 360 exclusive was announced for the PlayStation 3.... Read more

Tron: Evolution

If history has taught us anything, it’s that video games based on movies belong in the bargain bin at the local Blockbuster.... Read more

Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom

From a stylistic and technical point of view, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom is unlike most modern games. The pacing is often slow and thoughtful, and it lacks the intensity that we are used to seeing from other blockbuster games released this generation.... Read more

James Bond 007: Blood Stone

With the 007 franchise on hiatus while MGM works out their money issues fans of secret agent man James Bond get a bit of fresh air.... Read more

Gran Turismo 5

Gran Turismo has always been on a different plateau from its competition; that is not only other racers but just about any game, in any genre. It’s unique for its impressive sense of scale, polish, authenticity, depth and class.... Read more

Alien Breed: Impact

Alien Breed is a series developed by Team 17 that dates back to 1991.  Since then, the long running top-down shooter franchise has received several sequels. Alien Breed: Impact is an updated version of a game originally released for the XBLA in December 2009. ... Read more

Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty is one of the most successful and loved series of all time.... Read more

Who's That Flying?!

Earth has been invaded by a horde of doom beasts, and its guardian, the Guardian of Earth, has been summoned by the Intergalactic Council to explain how this could have happened on his watch.... Read more

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2

Creating a 3D fighter based on a long-running anime is a massive challenge. Fans expect all the characters to be in the game, and for every one of them to be equipped with their special moves.... Read more

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

NARUTO Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2’s gameplay can be broken down into two genres: firstly, it’s a traditional JRPG adventure story; and secondly, it’s a dynamic 3D fighter. It feels both familiar and obscure. ... Read more


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