>> Warehouse 13 (PREVIEW)

Show: Warehouse 13

Episode(s): Pilot

Genre: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Saul Rubinek, Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Cch Pounder

Network: SyFy

Airdate/Time: July 7, 2009 9:00pm

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Peter Lattimer and Myka Bering approach their jobs as secret service agents in different ways; but they both want the same end result and that is keeping things safe and secure. After displaying their talents they are ordered to report for duty at a highly secret division of the U.S. Government. What they discover there is hard to believe, a warehouse full of mysterious, magical, or supernatural items that are kept locked away for the safety of mankind. Peter accepts his new position fairly quickly but Myka is slower to react.

They are given a tour and a very brief run-down of the job by Agent Artie Nielsen, caretaker of Warehouse 13. Artie is responsible for assigning them their first mission; but he hesitates questioning his boss Mrs. Frederic’s choice fearing that Myka and Peter are not ready. But the orders are clear and Artie must carry on. Soon he sends the two out to look for a magical item that may be responsible for a young man beating his girlfriend. Though they are not prepared for things to come their training and unique abilities might just keep them alive and perhaps even gain control of the item.

Peter Lattimer: Cocky, sarcastic, “good looking”, doesn’t seem to take things too seriously, jock, will come through in a pinch, loyal, cop guy. We have seen it many times in all different series.

Myka Bering: Not emotional, hiding a dark past, intelligent, serious, “good looking”, tough, always seems like she has something to prove, deep down a sweet hurt, cop girl. Once again we have seen it many times in all different series.

Artie Nielsen: Quirky, seen too much, been around too long, a little crazy, older, fatherly, mentor, comedic relief, behind a desk tech guy. Seen it before.

Warehouse 13: Looks like a place that "top men" would work.

The interaction between Peter and Myka at first reminded me of the little tiny bit of “Bones” I have seen years ago. Interestingly enough I saw later that Eddie McClintock who plays Peter was actually on “Bones”. I’ve also seen interaction like this on NCIS between DiNozzo and Ziva. So just imagine that kind of relationship and you have a decent idea of what you are getting. It’s not a bad thing that this formula has been done before because obviously it must be working, I am hoping though in episodes to come they develop the partnership into something a little less cliché and find their own way as all the others have before them.

Artie and the warehouse is where I cringe some. Sure being kooky or a little crazy makes sense dealing with these kind of items for as long as they hint Artie has been. But this is over the top, beat into your brain actions. They attempt to give the warehouse a life of its own, which is fine but there is so much going on. Electrical charges build up and randomly sends large bolts of electricity throughout the place, all the items have powers and try to free themselves from being captive, some even will pop into the hands of those around or drop into purses to hide, and finally there is some kind of special goo material that is suppose to help neutralize the magical powers of an item and it has its own special case.

I mean it is a great idea to have a show about all these kind of items but you are telling me we have the knowledge and technology to invent some kind of holding system for these items but the fastest way to travel the warehouse is via zip-line that you have to release yourself from in midair and drop down close to where you wish to go? How about the Tesla made “stun gun” that looks like some steam punk creation? Why not use an actual stun gun, it’s smaller. Then there is the video phone they use. It is the size of a medium size book, made of metal, opens up, and gives you a small pic of who you are talking too. One; why not just use a cell phone seeing as it is smaller and; if you have to have a video phone, why not have it hooked up to a laptop. I mean if you are going to carry around something that large it might as well serve several purposes and not make you stand out that much. Too much quirk, not enough thought.

I know it seems like I’m ragging on the show. Really, I am not meaning too that much. Yes the show has its faults but I am keeping in mind this is the pilot and also that this is a show for the Sci Fi channel. It gives you sort of a Sanctuary kind of feel, not in storyline but in the filming/acting/sets/effects aspects. It has the potential of getting better and depending on what “item” or legend they may be focusing on could peak different people’s interest for different episodes. At this moment for me though the jury is still out. There is a good bit of work still needed in getting out the kinks; but it is possible to get it up to the quality of  one of Sci Fi channel's more average shows.

Odd thing. This show is premiering the same day that Sci Fi switches over to Syfy. I find this interesting as the point of changing the name’s spelling is to open it up to more things outside of science fiction yet this show is completely part of that genre.




I had high hopes for this one but since it got such low marks I guess it wouldn't do me any good to run out and get cable for sci-fi. I had been considering, especially now that Fringe is in the off season. Bummer.

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