October Road: The Complete Second Season

If, for any reason, you find yourself watching a show starting at the very beginning of its second season, you’ll know it’s a pretty damn good show when you can get the gist of things, fall in love with the characters, and find yourself laughing. October Road, despite some of its quirkier hard to believe characters; the oaf buddy having trouble with love, the impossibly chipper pizza girl, the demonic ex-wife, or the grungy buddy on the outs, it paints a picture of a small town where people are forgiving and everyone knows one another. It makes one jealous that they don’t live there and provides an escape. Though it epitomizes the dramatic soap opera like qualities that I despise in shows like these, October Road had an unrelenting charm that unfortunately failed to capture a steady audience.

The Complete Second Season is, well, complete and also features, only on DVD, an exclusive wrap up to the series. You know, to answer all those nagging questions that surfaced in the show and to give closure to the plights most of the characters found themselves in at seasons end. That I found the show so captivating and great I had to say that, for me, the wrap up had a negative impact. Despite all those nagging little questions in the show I could have lived with not having them answered. That’s what the show does. Teaches you to live and learn, forgive and forget, well at least where the characters are involved. Some people need closure though so to them it might be a bonus. Other features include a Bloopers Reel titled “Bumps In The Road” as well as a Behind the scenes tour. The bonus features didn’t wow me but the show did and on that strength I highly recommend giving October Road a chance. Enjoy.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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