>> LOST Season 6 Episode 12 - Everybody Loves Hugo

LOST Season 6 Episode 12 - Everybody Loves Hugo

LOST Season 6 episode 12 – Everybody Loves Hugo

I was really excited about this episode, who doesn’t love Hugo?! So it starts out at an awards ceremony for Hugo in the flash sideways; he’s being honored for his help in the community.  Back at the Island, Hugo is talking to Libby at her gravesite when Ilana interrupts with plans to get dynamite from Blackrock to blow up the plane.  She leaves and Michael shows up… (whaa?? Is he dead?)  to tell Hurley that he’s there to stop him from getting everyone killed.


Back in the flash sideways, Hugo is stood up :(.  But guess who comes over to say hi? Libby.  He's intrigued but is a bit letdown when he follows her outside and realizes she's in a mental hospital.

Back on the Island, Ilana has returned from Blackrock with dynamite.  wow, she's really being pretty careless with tha....HOLY SHIT!!!!! Boom goes Ilana! Wow, didn't see that one coming. 

Back at the MIB camp, they're waiting for Sun, Jack and Hurley.  Back comes Sayid who shows MIB Desmond, who is tied to a tree.  So the best part about Ilana getting blown up is everyone seems like oh well, now what?

Back in the flash sideways, Hugo is eating fried chicken at his restaurant.  In comes Des who notices Hugo from the flight, he tells Hugo to go with his gut about Libby... and then his order is called #42.

MIB asks Des why Widmore brought him here and of course he doesnt know.  So they walk, theres the random kid again.  Seems to piss the MIB off that he keeps seeing him. Des and MIB arrive at the well, where he pushes Des down the well...


I soooooooooo hate the MIB right now. >.<
Back at Blackrock, Hurley blows it up and Richard loses it.  Now how will they destroy the plane.  Miles asks why and he says Michael told him to do it. Hurley says he sees Jacob, he lied of course.  But heres a familiar scene, Richard asks who wants to come with him and destroy the plane and Hurley asks who wants to go to with him to the MIB camp.  Jack, Sun, Frank go with Hurley; Miles and Ben go with Richard. Hurley and the rest head off to see MIB, as they're walking they hear the whispering.  It's explained that the whispers are people stuck on the Island, those who can't move on.

Back at the flash sideways, Hugo goes to the looney bin to see Libby. He's told no until he donates $100,000 to the hospital.  They talk for a minute and he asks her out on a date.  So they do, they have a picnic on the beach, and talk and as she kisses him, memories of them and the Island come rushing back to him.

Pan out and Des is watching them... kinda weird.  Des is sitting at the school watching Locke as he approached by Ben.  He inquires about why he's being all pervy and watching the kids, so he leaves and purposly runs over Locke... geez.

Well, I was really hoping to see a Jin-Sun reunion, next week I guess.
I really like how Hurley is taking a leadership position.
What is UP with MIB pushing Des down the well??
So I'm guessing that Des has figured everything out and by killing Locke he's stopped the MIB?

I'm starting to get a little ancy with LOST.  It seems like one question is answered and 2 more are raised.  How many episodes are left? 5? How are they going to wrap this up?



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