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Viv and the Revival

Viv and the Revival

Some artists spend forever waiting for their songs to be heard by millions. Most artists write dozens of songs before hitting the right notes and getting that one little break. Well, Viv and the Revival is not just some artist. Though Viv started playing guitar at age 8, playing in bands at 16, and moving to Los Angeles to work as a session guitar player at 19, he didn’t even write his first song or sing until age 22. In just four years since first putting pen to paper and his unique vocal tone to a microphone, the 26-year-old artist had more success as a writer than most will see in their lifetimes.

Last thing you got for free?

We always get free drinks after shows, so I’m gonna say that!

Guilty pleasure TV Show?

I hate to say it but Kesha’s reality show on MTV. She seems like a very genuine person and I dig that about her. There’s no bullshit.

If you had to skip a meal would it be breakfast, lunch or dinner?

I usually skip breakfast, but then I end up eating breakfast food for lunch or dinner, so it evens out.

Secret to a happy life?

I think the secret is to not take things too seriously. Be grateful, and try to enjoy all of the little things. Also, eat a lot of desserts and ice cream. I think that’s the key.

Can you keep secrets?

I can but I hate keeping secrets. I’m a very curious person by nature, and if I know something I usually want to tell everybody.

Last time you mailed a letter?

It was probably about 3 years ago. I mailed a birthday card to my Dad who lives in Paris.

When something good happens what do you do to celebrate?

Call my family and my friends, and then go out somewhere. I have to be around people a lot, I’m not very good at being by myself. I always need to share everything with everyone.

I only need:

Happiness. I know that’s vague, but people seem to always think, “when I have this, I’ll be happy”, or “I’ll be happy when I’m doing this”. Be happy and then everything follows.

Your message is of "revival". How important is the message of your music compared to the enjoyment of the music itself?

It’s a part of the whole experience, but the enjoyment of the music has to be there for the message to be clear. If people feel anything from the songs, then I’ve done my job. That is what music is all about, it’s about the emotion and the feeling you get. When you connect to a song, it’s a beautiful experience.

It took you over a decade to write your first song after first learning to play guitar. What made you finally put pen to paper?

That’s a really good question! I honestly never thought about writing songs or singing, I just wanted to play guitar. One day things just started to organically change in my life, and I almost forced myself into a situation where I had to write songs to continue playing music. It came really naturally to me to be a songwriter, everything flowed really easily. I never realized how many things I wanted to say until I started putting pen to paper.

Interview by Kara Johnson