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Alexander's Lost World

Alexander's Lost World

On DVD: 
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
I have to admit that I was completely bored out of my mind in the first episode of Alexander’s Lost World. Photojournalist David Adams first explores the waterways, now dry desert sands, of Alexander’s would be conquered utopia. He travels to (some) interesting locations and gives us 3D renderings of a drilling device that left a massive hole in the Earth (Ancient Aliens anyone?), but pretty much gives a drab and almost deviated history lesson about Alexander’s world, but seemingly sans Alexander himself. More so build up to something I guess. 
By the second episode we start to really get into the interesting bits. Adams and his crew intentionally, or unintentionally, break a few laws as they make their way into territory that is unsafe for those who might end up getting lost. Fortunately the crew is lead by a capable guide who takes them to a bazaar where men of all ages perform a job handed down through generations, making rugs. It’s not so much the fact that the men are making rugs, but that the rugs themselves are maps of history. Outlines of old fortifications and castles from the ancient world that have been preserved through generations by shared knowledge and the intricate patterns of rugs, also a craft passed down from generation to generation. 
Later Adams really dives into the world of Alexander the Great by visiting locations of cities turned to dust and sand and theoretical locations of places that history may be wrong about, but are explained in full all the same. 
We dive into the political and romantic history of Alexander’s conquests and learn about ancient God’s and ancient battles that may have been forged in half truth’s. It’s all an interesting amount of information that is only weighed down by that first episode in which nothing really grand happens, but the more you move on the better the show gets. Well worth checking out if you get the chance. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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