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Wicked Blood
Beth Thornley: Septagon


(Beth Thornley)

Beth Thornley has a new EP being released called “Septagon” with 4 songs that are a good example of what it would sound like inside her head. Ok, I don't know if that's actually true but from the emotion and feeling that has been put into her songs, it does sound like a piece of Beth Thornley is in the songs. If you don't know who Beth Thornley is or might not think you have heard her songs, you would be surprised to know, as I was also, that she has had her music featured in major Hollywood movies like “Magic Mike” and popular television shows such as “Scrubs”.  This is the fourth release for Beth Thornley that is set to come out in April.

When I said that it sounds as if there is a piece of Beth Thornley in the songs it's because these songs have lyrics that made me think that she was really talking about herself. Not the “I”, “Me”, or “Myself” in the grand sense where it's about anyone who is listening to the song but really is about Beth Thornley. Maybe a better way for me to explain the way these songs sound is by calling them heartfelt and personal to the singer. It's also an EP that has some failure in the songs, it took me a few listens to hear it but it's there in the lyrics but it's not depressing or sad.

What I liked the most about this album and Beth Thornley is the sound of her voice. It's soft, it's strong, it's sweet, and it sounds good. Listening to her is easy to do. She is not singing the songs in a sexy or sexual manner nor is she sounding as if she's angry, she sings them in a way that grabs your ear because she has a good voice. Boarding on pop rock and indie rock, Septagon is an EP that I would have liked to have been a full album. Having only four songs that are well written, well sung, and instruments that are also played well, it's just not enough. Maybe these songs are not ones that will be played to get the party going and everyone pumped up for the night, but they are songs that can be played when wanting to hear something with a good tempo, beat, and vocals while hanging out with some friends or just alone.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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