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Wicked Blood
Dead White and Blue: Mary Jane

Mary Jane

(Dead White & Blue)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The majority of the internet users today have a Facebook account, bands included, and it has become something that I will check out when I get a band to review. I've found it's a quick and easy way to see what kind of image the band wants to give of themselves as well as learning about some of their interests and influences. For the band Dead White and Blue I found that they both like, and I quote, “Drugs, Booze, Money, Sex...Nathan Meyer Rothschild” and was influenced by “Drugs, Booze, Money, Sex...Nathan Meyer Rothschild, Charles Manson”. I guess this is pretty much par for being a hard rock/metal band that make their songs loud, fast, and what could be considered off color or touchy subjects.
Mary Jane is the debut album for Dead White and Blue but from information I found out the lead vocalist, Russell Workman wrote the songs years ago before going to prison. Once out he went to work putting out his music and what we get is album that comes at you with force. He wants his music to be heard where I can easily tell that in the songs. Instead of just turning up the volume levels during recording to make the songs sound loud, Dead White and Blue make their music heard because they are simply loud and forceful. The band has put their passion for making music into the sound of their songs. It's a rough album with the lyrics, the meanings, and with how the songs sound and the songs are raw with the energy they have.
At first I wasn't into the music when I played it. The vocals of Russell Workman are a little rough at times and most of the time he sounds like he's talking with a strained voice. After a few times listening to Mary Jane I still can't say that the vocals of Russell Workman are much better but I can say that I was enjoying the songs more and more. These are some raw, intense, and high energized songs that had me feeling ready to take on the world. I was screaming along with Russell Workman, I was pounding out some riffs on my air guitar, and pounding out some heavy beats on my desk, steering wheel, and leg in tempo with the drums. Dead White and Blue does have some rough edges but it's these same rough edges that give their songs a gritty intensity. Instruments are fast, the vocals are strong, and the overall effect made me release some tension that I didn't know I had at the end of my day. For that I went from being iffy with Dead White and Blue to them staying on my play list.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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