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Knights of Badassdom
Dead White & Blue: Mary Jane

Mary Jane

(Dead White & Blue)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Popping Dead White & Blue’s album, Mary Jane, into my car stereo and rolling along to work I found myself feeling like the first couple of tracks could have been pulled from any number of sources such as Tool, The Rollins Band, Rob Zombie, or Powerman 5000. Vocals had that edgy distorted sound that you could easily associate with Zombie or PM5K but also this wild man kind of yelling Henry Rollins would do with his band The Rollins Band. The music sounded like Rollins Band and Tool thrown together. Maybe not as complex, but throw the album on and you’ll get my meaning. 
A bit further down the line the band introduces more punk elements, mind you the songs are a bit long for punk, but I did like the feel of tracks such as Suitcase Punk and Dragonhead. Their sound jumps around from hard rock, metal, and punk, with one song tossed on the album for that touchy feely approach. 
Lyrically the album was decent. Lots of references to religion, drugs and other associated staples that go with this kind of music. Sometimes a song would feel like it was just the chorus over and over again while others through you for a loop making you feel like you’ve landed on another album rather then the one you’d been listening to. 
Musically the album sounded a bit rough, raw is often times good though, but there was just something off from time to time about the timing. Still, a decent enough album for the hard rock, metal category. Time will tell if I’m listening to another release or if the band will ride out this album on tour and then disappear. Chances are they’ll be good for a second offering. As always final judgment is yours. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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