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Death Valley High: Positive Euth

Positive Euth

(Death Valley High)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

When listening to music there is one aspect that I just don't like being, bored. If you think I'm going to talk about a band that has put out an album that had me bored while listening to it then you would be thinking wrong. Death Valley High, a name for a band that gives you a good idea that the songs are not going to be all romantic and poppy, has put out the album Positive Euth. Now aside from the album title being odd and unless "Euth" is another language, it's a made up word that I'm assuming it's supposed to sound like the word youth. But as I was saying, I don't like being bored when listening to songs and I was far from that when listeing to Positive Euth.

Death Valley High is a punk/thrash band where the songs are full of energy where they get you going when listening to them. Listening to this makes me feel like a teenager again with all this angst, pent up energy, and so much nervous energy in me that I just want to bounce, scream, and let the world know that I'm here. I'm no longer that person, been some years since I was that person, but these songs make me remember those days and I like that I can be reminded of it. Positive Euth has a youthful sound in the songs that allow them to be fun and likeable. Though the amount of energy being pushed out in the beats of the songs go a long way in making the songs what they are.

As much as the songs are full of energy, some of the songs just don't have a cohesion. At times the songs sound as if the band is not sure where they want to head with the song. The songs that do sound like they are all over playing different beats with vocals that don't sync up with what the instruments are playing. Then again, at times this chaotic blending of sounds and format of wild, devil may care songs is what gives the songs their vibrant sounds. I preferred when the vocals and the instruments where crazy and chaotic over the moments when they slowed down and seemed to become a normal song. When I could understand the vocals they made me realize that I preferred it when he was screaming and yelling. The songs aren't great, the beats are noisy, the vocals are better when I don't understand them, but the songs are lots of fun to listen to and I just don't care that they aren't formatted to have a orderly sound to them because the chaos is what makes them fun.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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