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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

(Square Enix)
Ship Date: 
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Deus Ex Machina literally means ‘god out of machine,’ referring to ancient Greek dramas in which a god would be introduced into a play in order resolve some improbable plot. In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the player takes on the role of Adam Jensen, a man turned mostly machine after a deadly attack on Sarif Industries. In an effort to discover who is behind the attack, Adam becomes entangled in a mess of conspiracies, lies, and deception. The choices you make throughout the game determine the fate of humanity.

Will you strive to do what is right, regardless of the situation, or will you embrace the machine in you and live as a god?

Set in 2027, Deus Ex: Human Revolution acts as the prequel to Eidos Interactive’s 2000 hit action role-playing game Deus Ex. It sets in motion a world where biomechanical augmentations allow humans to evolve beyond their own mortal capabilities and perform feats only previously dreamed of. If you’re not strong as you’d like to be, there’s an arm enhancement for that. If you’re not as intelligent, there’s a brain enhancement for that. Whatever you need, Sarif Industries – the leading producer of augmentations – has it. Like all good things though, these mechanical upgrades don’t come without a hefty price.

Unfortunately the rest of the world doesn’t see eye to eye with Sarif Industries. Others such as the Humanity Front believe that augmentations are an abomination against nature, giving people abilities that don’t come with natural human evolution. Then there are the so-called Neropzyne addictions that come with augmentation; a drug controlled by Sarif Industries as well. It’s no wonder the company’s main facilities was attacked. As you’ll soon find out, it would be no ordinary attack.

As Adam Jenson, Sarif’s chief security officer, it’s your duty to find out who is responsible for the attacks and bring them to justice. After experiencing the event firsthand, you were brought back from the brink of death thanks to augmentations. Everything from your eyes to your limbs has been overhauled be as efficient as possible. Think Robocop on steroids. Using these enhancements, you must scour the world discovering the trail of breadcrumbs left behind by the attackers. This requires investigating potential informants and even getting down and dirty from time to time. It’s all about how you want to go about completing the mission.

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What makes Deus Ex: Human Revolution different is that you’re given a target and that’s practically it. The choice is yours on how you want to reach that target or accomplish the goal. Most times there are multiple paths available. For instance, if you’re goal is to meet someone in a room on the second floor of a building, you could easily walk in through the front door. Sure you might be met with some resistance, which in turn opens up another path; either stand and fight them or silently sneak past them. Another option might be to enter from the rooftop or an open window and make a more unconventional method of entry.



Review by Seanoc