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Dora The Explorer: Dora's Great Roller Skate Adventure

Dora the Explorer: Dora’s Great Roller Skate Adventure

On DVD: 
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Over the years, especially now that my kids are grown and no longer watch children’s television, I’ve lost that certain something that simply allows you to give kids shows a pass. I was in-between when it came to reviewing Dora’s Great Roller Skate Adventure. The main feature on the disc failed to wow me. I know it’s a show for kids, but still, since there have been so many kids shows throughout the history of television, and so many have covered the same theme found here, giving it the standard moral finale, well, it just felt like a cop out. 
In any case, Dora’s Great Roller Skate is a release that features the main titled episode and two bonus episodes. If you’ve read my reviews on these types of releases you’ll already know how I despise this kind of set up; 1 main feature that runs the same amount of time as a regular episode, and a couple of episodes tossed in as “A Bonus”. Kids might not care, but as a parent whose in charge of the budget, this kind of release just doesn’t cut it. 
The episodes themselves were a bit strange, now that I’m an adult with no small children I tend to look at the pros and cons of a show and not just what makes my kids happy. As I stated above, the main title finale was weak. It had a good moral lesson, but nothing revolution, and it felt a bit force fed. 
Dora’s Check Up Day was also a bit bizarre. When a Mama duck ends up losing a couple of ducklings and Dora and Boots find it, it’s not feeling well. No worries, we’ll take you to the doctor since were already on our way there. Mama duck doesn’t mind. Go ahead strangers, take the kid with you. A bit odd, and it also might allow kids to assume that as long as someone has your best interest in mind you can trust them. 
Dora’s Science Fair was another episode that felt a bit read. Dora and her friend make a volcano for the science fair. Nothing really amazing goes on here. 
That beings said, nearly thirteen dollars for this release (Amazon)? That’s almost a bit over four bucks a pop, and the two episodes following the feature are bonuses? I don’t think so. Take those two episodes away and the main feature is hardly worth taking a second glance at. I think Nickelodeon could have done a better job considering even digital episodes at Amazon are only $1.99 a piece.
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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