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We Are What We Are
Eskimo Callboy: We Are The Mess

We Are The Mess

(Eskimo Callboy)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Eskimo Callboy is a metal band from Germany that infuses their sound with disco snippets, crank calls, and seemingly background noise. They began their careers in 2010 playing gigs and supporting their self titled independent album (which would later be reissued by their record company Redfield Records). This year they release their latest offering, We Are The Mess, which features 13 tracks. How did it sound?
Coming from a background where I have covered a lot of metalcore outfits it’s pretty safe to say that Eskimo Callboy is just another drop in the bucket of so many bands pounding out their sound with adrenaline junkie fervor, screaming their heads off either about dysfunction, or going the route of EC and just adopting the party band theme. 
A majority of We Are The Mess will more then likely float the boats of adolescent teens who careers at this point include rebellion and being unique, or adults who never moved on from this phase in their lives. It’s basically almost all throw away music that blends together from the beginning, with small breaks in the middle for a crank call and the infusion of random background sounds that attempt to promote the band’s party lifestyle. 
I wanted to find something in the mix to love, but couldn’t. I’m obviously out of the demographic range the band is shooting for. Of course the band has had no problems in finding success, but if this is the best they’ve got I expect them to burn out before they reach the top. As always final judgment is yours. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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