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Knights of Badassdom
Good Knives: A Place Called Doubt

A Place Called Doubt

(Good Knives)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
While I haven’t listened to Good Knives self-titled debut album (released in 2010), their sophomore album A Place Called Doubt makes a strong case for the band. I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re breaking any new ground, but we’re talking about a punk rock band with direct ties to the UK. Last I checked—unless your last name was Ramone—the UK is just where true punk rockers come from.
The first half of the album starts to blend together a bit, although Doubt manages to separate itself from the other early tracks as an anthem anyone can get behind. I found the second half of the album gave me a little more time to breath. For me the standout track was Lost in Time—but punk rock is far from my bread and butter, so what floats my boat might just sink your ship.
The guitar and drums fit the genre—fast and powerful, if perhaps at the expense of creativity. But the bass lines occasionally caught me off-guard, achieving unexpected levels of funk. In the vocals department, Good Knives delivers angst-laden lyrics at a volume teetering between a bellow and a scream. Overall, nothing entirely unusual. 
Still hardcore punk rock fans are far from a dying breed. All in all, I don’t doubt that before long a Google search for “Good Knives” will bring up more than just a decent set of cutlery. If you want to be one of those fans that knew them before they were huge, better get to know them now.
Dan Brubaker
Review by Dan Brubaker
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