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Jobs That Bite!

Have you been saying to yourself that you really want to see a show like Dirty Jobs but with a lot more animals? Well, Nat Geo WILD has the answer for you: Jobs That Bite!

Host Jeremy Brandt takes you on a ride to see some of the jobs that people do all over the world with animals. If you are into this sort of thing, it is fascinating. If you aren't, then it's just another documentary type show. But who knows? Maybe you'll watch this and find yourself a new career.

In the first episode I was given to watch, "The Lion Dentist", Jeremy goes to Florida and assists in performing dental work on a 400 pound lion. At the same facility he also gets to do a neonatal exam on a day old baby giraffe - a baby animal that is already six feet tall! Then he heads to the Gulf of Mexico and tries his hand at shrimping. I have to admit, I made a lot of Forest Gump jokes during this segment.

The second episode, "The Camel Milk Man", our intrepid host visits a dairy that milks camels instead of cows. But not to stop at milking, he's also introduced to a little husbandry as he helps a young bull camel mate with an older female camel. He also heads to a veterinary clinic where he does a check up on a 12 foot python and expresses the anal glands of a canine. And a large segment of the episode sees Jeremy Brandt relocating honey bee hives from unfortunate locations like the walls of homes or the floors of bathrooms to new hives where the bees can be nurtured to help them maintain their place in our delicate ecosystem.

The best part of this show are the pop up facts that accompany every scene to give you some extra education. The worst part of this show is that the pop ups go so quickly, sometimes you can't finish reading them.

Jobs That Bite! is thrilling and educational, exactly what a show on a National Geographic channel should be. You could do much worse than this show.

Review by Jason Pace
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