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Landmarq: Entertaining Angels (Special Edition)

Entertaining Angels

Release Date: 
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Box Set

Most of have listened to music all of our lives. Some of us stick to the basic top 40 stuff and some of us deviate from the mainstream path, always looking and listening for something new. As of late I’ve been somewhat bombarded by music that has taken me by surprise. What gets me first is usually the cover art. The gems I’ve discovered lack that polished look, aren’t emblazoned with high gloss pictures of the band or high quality illustrations created by hand by some genius artist.

The latest album that has taken me by surprise, Landmarq’s Entertaining Angels, has the appearance of a Grindcore album with a an angel sporting a nappy beard and holding a guitar, seated in picturesque locale that is defined by nothing. I went in not knowing what to expect and not taking an y chances with assumption on the track titles alone.

The album is progressive rock (my second assumption after viewing the artwork) that blends its melodic sound with space rock. Lots of synth work here and an ethereal quality to the overall sound by singer Tracy Hitchings. Though her vocal delivery is very 1980’s her range and ability to bend the lyrical into a rock opera like delivery is refreshing and is easy to follow as the band heads through the album.

I’m not quite sure this is a concept album, but it felt like one. Every song seemed to embody some sort of emotion, every performance by Hitchings  gaining momentum as the album comes to its close. The album is also peppered with odd spots of new instruments such as horns on track accompanied by dreamy guitars that bend in a way that they remind me of Hawaii. Then of course you have your space vibe going on. You’re never bored with the album and it begins to install this wall of nostalgia that will make it a keeper and an album you’ll find yourself revisiting from time to time if not weekly.

The limited edition album comes with the main album, an 8 track opus, as well as a bonus disc that contains 4 more tracks. The set comes in an enlarged CD case that is adorned with the album artwork and text revealing what can be found within. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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