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Marvel Pinball Avengers Chronicles

Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles

(Zen Studios)
Ship Date: 
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
1-2 players

With Marvel Pinball, Zen Studios has always strived to create authentic pinball tables around iconic Marvel superheroes, and they’ve done a fantastic job thus far with the likes of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and many more. Avengers Chronicles is the latest 4-pack of tables and rather than individual characters, it focuses on entire comic story arcs. What this means for Marvel Pinball is more dialogue, more characters, and more epic pinball action.

The four new tables included in the Avengers Chronicles are The Avengers, World War Hulk, Fear Itself, and The Infinity Gauntlet. All the tables except for The Avengers are based on popular comic book storylines. The Avengers is based around the mega-blockbuster film by the same name and features the likeness of the actors. Each table has their own variety of objectives and mechanics, making Avengers Chronicles the most diverse Marvel Pinball DLC yet.


The Avengers film has already surpassed $1.4 billion dollars, making it the #3 film in the world, so it’s no doubt that Marvel superheroes are a hot commodity. The pinball table by the same name covers the events of the film in pinball form. Playing aboard the Hellicarrier, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must complete character specific missions in order to defeat the god of mischief Loki.

Marking a first for any pinball table anywhere, The Avengers features six pinballs, each modeled after a different member of the team, that have their own unique abilities.

  • Captain America: Ball Save + Combos
  • Black Widow: Mission Bonus + Quinjet Boosts
  • Iron Man: Bonus Multipliers + S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Hulk: Bumper, Slings + Powershots
  • Hawkeye: Kickbacks + Skillshots
  • Thor: Odin Force + Spinner

My personal favorite of the team is the Hulk. You can easily rack up thousands of points using his ball to strike the bumpers in the upper right corner, which exponentially increase in value over time due to his bonuses. Missions are activated by attacking Loki, who stands tall at the center of the table. Hulk, for instance, is tasked with defeating a horde of Loki clones blocking all the lanes. Once you complete all the objectives, you can then activate Wizard Mode and face off against Loki in the final battle.


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Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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Paul Arca's picture

I can play these tables and the other Marvel tables for hours. Its so cool in 3-D. I can't wait to try the Star Wars tables. Curious to read your reviews for the SW tables before buying them.