Steve Hunter: Tone Poems Live

Tone Poems Live

(Steve Hunter)
Release Date: 
Monday, September 1, 2014

Steve Hunter is originally from Illinois and is a well-known guitar player. He has recorded with and/or toured with Alice Cooper, Bette Midler, Peter Gabriel, and Tracy Chapman. He has been playing since the 1970’s and has helped many artists on their albums. “Tone Poems Live” is a live studio album that is also Steve’s latest release.
The blues vibe and the instrumentals are impressive and the strongest element of the whole album. The overall feel of the “Tone Poems Live” album was very relaxing with little or no vocals. It was very soothing to listen to, but the songs and the album as a whole felt lengthy and prolonged. I am not doubting all the talent on this album, but some variety would have helped break things up in between songs. Even some vocals would have helped this album as well. For those reasons, I am giving “Tone Poems Live” a “C.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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