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Team Umizoomi: Animal Heroes

Team Umizoomi: Animal Heroes

On DVD: 
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nickelodeon’s Team Umizoomi is back on DVD with Animal Heroes in which the team helps various animals in predicaments including a purple gorilla whose accidentally been delivered to the wrong zoo, a friend whose lost their loving pet, and bears that have lost their gears.

The educational aspects for the four episodes include number identification, shape matching, and measurement, as well as morality lessons such as compassion, bravery, and doing the right thing.

As usual you’ll find all the bright vivid colors of the show, interactivity from the characters with viewers, some fun songs, and an our and a half worth of show.

I’m a little surprised that there wasn’t any bonuses included. Four shows seems a bit low at $10 (Amazon), especially when the episodes are from season 2 and can probably be found on-line or in reruns on TV. Still, if your kids are fans, no doubt they will love this animal themed installment. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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