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Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar, Part 2

Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar, Part 2

On DVD: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In the Part 1 release of Tenchi Muyo! War On Geminar (again, really a Tenchi Muyo! Spin-off) I laughed, I cried, I loved (okay, maybe I didn’t cry), but I ended up feeling a bit conflicted as the Part 1 release gave us the start of an amazing looking story which quickly fell to the wayside so that Kenchi, our main protagonist, could drive the ladies wild and get into all kinds of mischief that didn’t have a whole lot to do with the why, what, when, or how. That threw me off a little, though I did have a good time watching.

Part 2 is the yang to the Part 1 releases Yin. Where the first installment took a lot of time having a laugh and introducing us to Kenchi the hard worker, Kenchi the ladies man, Kenchi the slave, etc, Part 2 was all about action, mecha action.

Finally the answers start flowing as Kenchi and his harem of ladies start taking on the bad guys that have begun to surface, looking to take over the Holy Land as well as the other kingdoms in a bid to rule it all. Things are looking tough as Kenchi and his crew take beating after beating, sometimes just barely making it out alive, but there’s more to the threat then just invade and conquer and it all has to do with that crazy old plotline in Part 1 where Kenchi may or may not be of this world.

The  picture quality really doesn’t change from the first half release to the second half release, and why would it? There are some small instances of soft picture but nothing that’s as monumental as a brief glitch. Overall the picture is amazing. If you purchased the first half release and found it satisfactory you’ll want to just put your money down on the second half release as well.

~Episode 13 Commentary
~Sneak Peek Pay Per View 7-13
~Promo Videos
~Teaser Trailers
~A Taste of Recording Tenchi Muyo! War On Geminar Radio Broadcast
~Web Trailers

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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