The Change-Up (BLU-RAY)

The Change-Up

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Most of the female nudity is not real. Computer-generated breasts were used for Leslie Mann and Olivia Wilde.

I honestly went into The Change Up with an open mind. If you know me you know that I don’t find Ryan Reynolds to be that great of an actor or comedian. For me he peaked at Van Wilder (if you can call that peaking) and pretty much every job thereafter was some slight spin off of that character. I do however think Jason Bateman can be funny. He has an American version of that dry British humor that somehow works. Unfortunately when you have a script people are calling The Hangover (everything has to be The Hangover) meets Vice Versa you automatically know its probably either going to be crap or something close to crap. That of course is simply just my opinion. If its any consolation to you and yours I also didn’t think very highly of Bridesmaids, which of course was…you guessed it, the female version of The Hangover. To set the record straight, neither of these films was The Hangover, and this one was written by the guys that brought you The Hangover. So how did it look on Blu-Ray?

Leave it Universal to take some of their best releases and give them the worst looking BD transfers imaginable and then take complete crap like this film and make them look amazing. Grain peeks through the door for a few seconds but is mostly absent leaving colors vibrant, black levels deep and unobstructed, though skin tones do need a tweak now and again, its for all intents and purposes a solid release. Again, I scratch my head at Universal, whose only two real A+ releases I’ve seen so far have been this and some direct to BD/DVD American Pie spin off no one saw. Audio is a satisfying DTS-HD MA 5.1 that offers up a good at home movie viewing experience for a comedy film. Nothing mind blowing but your basics are all leveled out to satisfaction.

~Unrated version: The usual Rated vs. Unrated gimmick. The unrated film is five minutes longer.
~Audio Commentary
~Time For A Change Up: The cast and crew attempt to make you believe the film is great.
~Family Matter
~Deleted Scene
~Gag Reel: One of the only bonus features worth having a look at.
~BD Live
~Digital Copy

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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