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The Coleman Brothers: Keepin It Reel

Keepin It Reel

(The Coleman Brothers)
Release Date: 
Monday, October 15, 2012

Country music has never been my one of my top choices when picking music to listen to. It’s not that it’s all bad though, there are a few groups that I actually like and even some of the tempos and song structures can be good. As a whole however, I usually find country music boring and a little annoying when it has those slow tempos. When I got the CD Keepin It Reel by the Coleman Brothers I figured I was going to hear songs that would fit in back roads bar the size of a garage where the band sung about drinking, fighting, and women. Yeah, I know that’s pretty much the format of not only most country songs but most songs in general but it’s how it’s played that makes it.
Which is why when I heard the songs on Keepin It Reel I was a little surprised to find that I liked what I was hearing. This band out of Houston, TX was playing the style of country that I actually like. It has the twang of the old school country without the slow drawl that makes the old school so boring while also having a more modern country beat but without the quick tempos of modern country. The Coleman Brothers have put out an album of country music that has a good beat to it that had me wanting to tape my foot while listening.
The look of the CD might give it the image of being produced in the basement of one of the band members home with their own money. However, the music sounds nothing like a band where the members know how to play a instrument but can’t keep a beat, instead it’s a CD of songs by a band that knows how to make a good country song. I’m not quite so sure what the meaning of using the word “Reel” is for instead of  “Real” but I did like how they titled some of their songs. Such as “Online Dating” and “Country Thang”, both songs with a good beat and decent phrased lyrics. It’s not a breathtaking CD to listen to nor does it have brand new beats but Keepin It Reel does have good beats, decent lyrics, and a foot taping fun rhythm that most modern country songs lack.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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