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Knights of Badassdom
The Great SOCIO: Find the Time

Find the Time

(The Great Socio)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
So many different things flew through my mind the first time I spun The Great Socio’s latest album. For example, their lead singer, the guys got range and a collection of styles reminiscent of Brandon Boyd (Incubus), Steve Ewing (The Urge), Corey Glover (Living Colour), Jonas Cabrera (The Skeletones), and probably a few others I completely passed over. 
The niche for the band is that they have no guitars, only keyboards, bass, drums and a trumpet. Yet their sound is so busy it’s not easy to fully take in all of the music unless you listen to it a few times, which I did. 
Lyrically the band has a sense of humor which I would compare to Frank Zappa or Captain Beefheart while also mixing in sociopolitical themes into the music. It sounds like a carnival at times but at it’s core it has the tendency to hit on topics that seem out of place within the context and mood of the music. It all just blends together when you’ve acquired the right amount of travel with the album. 
It’s almost impossible to describe the bands overall sound. It’s like Ska, fusion metal, rock, funk, and jazz all rolled into one very strange mixture of sound. You’d have to experience it for yourself. It did, at times, remind me of Country Club and The Porn Horns, but that’s just me. I encourage you to check their stuff out following the links provided and glimpse at the madness, and who knows, you may end up walking away a fan. Enjoy. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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