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Tosh.0: Collas Plus Exposed Arms


On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I’ve never really been a huge fan of Tosh.O but I do sometimes catch a couple episodes on Comedy Central ever once in a while. If you have never watched the show it’s a show where Daniel Tosh shows videos from the Internet and makes some jokes about them. That’s really a simplified version but the general jest of the show.

This is definitely not a show for someone that is easily offended. If you have ever seen Daniel’s stand up, it’s the same type of comedy. The Blu-ray is unedited so there is some foul language but videos with nudity are still blurred out. Definitely a lot of gay jokes throughout the show including one episode where him and his writers are sitting around a table and getting grouped/massaged by a naked gay man. It was kind of funny to watch but there were a couple of times that are just like, “What the hell am I watching right now?”

In terms of special features there really isn’t too much. On disk one there is a longer version of Tiptoes spoiler. I have never heard of this movie but Daniel gives a description of the movie from begging to end. In the episode it aired its only about 5 min long but the extended version is about an hour or so long. On disk 2 there’s extended version of some interviews he does with people doing redemption videos. That’s it in terms of special features.

Aside from the special features and being unedited there’s not much different from it on TV. Unless you’re a big fan of Tosh.O I really wouldn’t recommend buying this on DVD. There’s 21 episodes total each about 20 min.

Wayne Stillson
Review by Wayne Stillson
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