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Two and A Half Men: The Complete Tenth Season

Two and a Half Men: The Complete Tenth Season

On DVD: 
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Bonus Features

Two Manly Men Singing and Dancing, Gag Reel

What does a man who is a billionaire, lives in a beach house in Malibu, and is also really good looking do when his marriage proposal is turned down? Just ask Walden Schmidt (played by Ashton Kutcher) about having his heart ripped out after Zoey (played by Sophie Winkleman) says no to his proposal and then breaks up with him due to another man. Going through different stages of grief leads Walden and Alan Harper (played by Jon Cryer) into some wild situations. From starting a threesome to the possiblity that age has caught up to Walden, these two men try to make the best of having bad relationships.

Two and a Half Men is one of those shows that I've watched on a few occasions but until this point I had yet to see a whole season. Here in season 10 the show is different than what I've seen before where now the cast line up has changed to have Ashton Kutcher. It's something I knew about, if you watch TV you would know about him joining the show, and I did watch that first episode he appeared on in season 9, but it still created the same reaction for me as the past episodes, one of mild amusement but not enough to make me want to watch the show.

I didn't expect much from this show, in fact the only thing I expected was the same format as before but now with Ashton Kutcher on it. What I got is what I expected, Jon Cryer still having his character Alan Harper be treated like he's a worthless freeloader that is a bumbling fool that no woman can ever like or even love while Ashton Kutcher plays the rich playboy who gets all the women and allows Alan to live there, and a lot of sexual jokes and situations. This show builds it's comedy around sex making the characters be the two sides of a coin. One gets everything while the other gets nothing. Most of the shows are pretty much the same set up where the two characters deal with odd things happening around them. It does have some funny moments, I did laugh a few times during each episode, which says a lot for a show that does use a lot of the same style of jokes in each episode.

I can't say this is a show that I want to watch on a ongoing basis but it does have a fun juvenile sense of humor to it that did give me a few laughs. I also liked that the creators and writers are trying to make it go in a different direction by changing the set but the same plot use of the characters still remain the same. The group dynamic is still the same, even though Ashton Kutcher is now on the show, his character still is the same in essence as the one that Charlie Sheen had. Both characters are rich, both are good looking, both got all the women, I'm really not seeing much of a difference other than Walden actually wanted to get married. Now, considering how she is making such a noise for herself and people did talk about her appearance on the show, I have to mention the episode that Miley Cyrus appears on. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't that good either. It did have a different twist to it that made the episode be better than what I expected but Miley Cyrus can't act nor can she speak in a decent southern accent, she also kept going in and out of it. There's also the issue of the character Jake Harper (played by Angus T. Jones) not being on the season that much and though I thought without having that character around to add and bounce some more jokes off of would make the flow slower, it didn't. His character still appears on it some and he does add some humor to it, but the show works without having him around. Only without Jake the show really is just two men and a maid, which Berta (played by Conchata Ferrell) continues to be the smart mouth maid that makes fun of Alan and likes Walden. So really not much has changed for this show, the comedy is still based of the crude humor, and though I did laugh I still think this show is good when watched once every now and then just to get a few chuckles out.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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