>> Allies for Everyone: Scavenger (2012)

Artist: Allies for Everyone

Album: Scavenger

Members: Brian Suarez, Arvin Ajamian

Genre: DJ/Dance

Label: KID Recordings

Tracks: 4

Type: EP

Release Date: July 10, 2012

Rating: 3.25 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Music trends can change on a dime. What's considered electronica one day could be considered a classic in the genre a few months later. Just take a look at the recent explosion of the dubsteb sub-genre that has infiltrated all types and styles of music and pop culture. Beats are constantly become more and more complicated and dense so it's refreshing to hear Allies for Everyone's new EP, Scavenger, which takes electronica music back to its roots

Scavenger consists of four tracks that take advantage of simple loops and synthesizers to create a mellow atmospheric tone. Brian Suarez provides the main vocals to the tracks with Arvin Ajamian backing him up. Together the duo make up Allies for Everyone.

What I like about the EP is that it's not overly produced and filled with noise that floods the senses. The electronica genre has gotten to the point where it's just becoming faster and faster, where if it's not getting your adrenaline pumping then something must be wrong. Scavenger slows it down a bit, but not too much, and explores something that is both relaxing and energizing.

Allies for Everyone is a refreshing break from the mainstream DJs of today's club scene and Scavenger compels me to check out some of their earlier work. I suggest you do the same. 


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