>> Astrograss: The Colored Pencil Factory (2012)

Artist: Astrograss

Album: The Colored Pencil Factory

Members: Jordan Shapiro, Sarah Alden, Tim Klah, Jonah Bruno, Bennett Sullivan, Dennis Lichtman, Michael Pasternak, Jennifer Milich

Genre: Country, Folk, Kids, Rock

Label: Smoggy Borough Records

Tracks: 16

Type: LP

Release Date: October 16, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Did You Know?

This album was funded through Kickstart.

New York Based Astrograss release The Colored Pencil Factory, a stepping stone in their career of blue grass infused kiddy tunes that will have just about everyone stomping and clapping their hands to the infectious music found within.

There seems to be a trend with kids music and folk. Not quite sure why so many musicians gravitate towards this particular genre of music when it comes to making kids albums, but the honest truth is, I love it. Astrograss being no exception.

The band uses a lot of fiddle, banjo, guitar, and mandolin to create their sound, usually ending in a jam band vibe. For a kids album the music fits right in but I have to admit I found myself looking forward to the lengthy jam sessions towards the back end of most songs. These folks really know how to boogie.

Lyrically the album seems to have a lot of influence from, well, the bands influences, most in particular Shel Silverstein. Lots of really cool imaginative prose thrown out here that creates a world of imagination. You also get a cover of Shortnin’ Bread. All together your usual kid word play mixed with a decoration of people and places brought to life in vivid wordplay.

If I have one complaint it’s that singing isn’t the bands strongest attribute. It’s fine and the harmonizing pieces are great, but as individual performers execution seems off by way of both timing and pitch. Still, nothing that would put you off the album, or more over, nothing that would put your kids off the album. Well worth checking out, especially if you’re a fan of bluegrass.


Astrograss For Adults



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