>> Auburn: Indian Summer (2012)

Artist: Auburn

Album: Indian Summer

Members: Liz Lenten, Max Gilkes, Jevon Beuamont, Willy Molleson, Wan hewitt, Horseman, Rob Lewis, Eliza Carthy, Maddy Leather, Joanne Louise Parker, Laura Vane

Genre: Blues, Easy Listening, Folk, Jazz, Rock, World Music

Label: Scarlet Italy

Tracks: 10

Type: LP

Release Date: May 15, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

What can I say about Auburn? I tried to like the album. It has a very good R&B/Jazz sentimentality going for it and at times Liz Lenten comes into her own with her vocal delivery, but for a majority of the album I cringed. Her inability to keep a steady level of pronunciation was nerve racking and her vocal style, for the most part, leaves much to be desired.

The first two songs on the album had to have been my least favorite. It sounded as if Lenten had been off somewhere screaming and then come into the studio with a very hoarse voice. Her style is reminiscent of Lady Daisy or Macy Gray, a mostly soft spoken delivery. In the first two tracks she just didn’t seem to be able to catch any kind of real rhythm when it came to bending notes or staying in key. I forced myself to give the two tracks a repeated listen, and succeeded, but after all was said and done I couldn’t pull anything really positive from the experience.

Track three was pretty amazing but the chorus were Lenten, again, could not pronounce her words properly got to me. Hey, it’s my thing I guess. In any case I looked Lenten up and discovered that she is a vocal coach and a pretty successful one at that. I put on my confused face and gave the album one last go just before I wrote my review. Again I thought the album was great, the music was well written and performed, but Lenten just isn’t my kind of singer and that’s what brought the album down for me. As always final judgment is yours and I would suggest hitting the links to hear some of the album for yourself. Enjoy.


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