>> Conveyor: Self-Titled (2012)

Artist: Conveyor

Album: Self-Titled

Members: Timothy John Masters, gary alan busch, jr. evan michael garfield, michael ryan pedron

Genre: Other, Pop, Rock

Label: Paper Garden Records

Tracks: 11

Type: Digital

Release Date: July 17, 2012

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

My itunes categorizes Conveyor as Experimental and I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly. My first go round with their self titled album I couldn’t help but feel pulled in by the atmospheric tracks on the album that seem to somehow cram so much sound into one tiny space and make it all sound crisp and clear. You can hear birds chirping, guitars being plucked, the tiniest echo of voice manipulation fading out after the words have been spoken, percussion instruments. There really is just a ton of sound on the album and its complete construction makes for a strange and oddly dreamlike trip into comfortableness. 

All is a song that starts off with a chanting mish mash of vocals and then pretty much has one line repeated with a deep bass signature, a tinkling blinker light sound, and a shaker. It’s an interesting example of how the band is just trying things out and succeeding with even the most miniscule amount of material. To me it was like The Beach Boys, Weezer, The Flaming Lips, The Shins, They Might Be Giants, and Radiohead collided and became this amazing thing that spurts out the most beautiful sounds you can imagine, and every time you listen to each track you come away with a  different experience. If your looking for top 40 radio your probably going to come away disappointed. If your looking for an experience I highly suggest. Just, wow. Awesome. Be sure to check out the album at the bands Bandcamp page posted above.




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