>> Dallas: Over the Edge (2012)

Artist: Dallas

Album: Over the Edge

Genre: Metal, Rock

Label: D-Day Records

Tracks: 5

Release Date: May 8, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.13 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

EP’s, I really don’t like them when it comes to a band that I haven’t heard before. This is mainly because they don’t contain enough songs to really get a good idea of what the band is capable of. Though sometimes there are a few bands that are able to give their range on an EP and Dallas is one of those bands. Here on the EP ‘Over the Edge’ the band Dallas has 5 songs that are some good hair metal thrashers. With one song in particular “The Devil is Rock ‘n’ Roll” that gives a good example of how these guys like to play some edgy songs.
Though what makes this EP one of the better EP’s and why Dallas is a band that has made it that way, it’s their range they give in their songs. The devil might be rock & roll and they actually make the song sound that way, when the next track “I Close My Eyes” plays the tempo of the album changes completely. As the title of the songs kind of implies, the song is a little on the softer side yet it still has the beat of a hair metal song. It’s this sort of change in the songs tempos as the tracks progress through the EP that made me like the album. While listening to the songs I was able to distinguish between the last song and the one currently being played as well as the songs keeping my attention fixed on listening to them.
Everything about this band is hair metal, especially the vocals. The songs are loud, with loud vocals, with the chorus being sung in screaming tones. Though I could hear at times some of the sound mixer helping the vocals along it wasn’t too much so where it took away from the sound. In the end it was the instrumentals that really had me enjoying the the songs. It’s hard not to feel the energy and the fun that the songs are putting out, they might not be a group that’s remembered 20 years from now, but for the moment that I was listening to them I had fun.


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