>> Doctor Who: Series 6 (Soundtrack) (2012)

Artist: Murray Gold

Album: Doctor Who: Series 6 (Soundtrack)

Genre: Soundtrack/Theater

Label: Silva Screen Records

Tracks: 66

Release Date: February 28, 2012

Discs: 2

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

The 66 tracks spread of over 2 discs makes the Doctor Who Series 6 soundtrack a massive and generous offering. Especially considering the show only had 13 episodes! While that is more episodes than your typical BBC show, it's still a full 9 episodes short of an American season. I was surprised that these discs cover music from each episode (Christmas special excluded), considering most shows only have themes for main characters and perhaps a few episode specific tunes. Each episode is covered by anywhere from 4 to 8 tracks.

Disc One opens with the victourious, fun, and triumphant I Am The Doctor in Utah. This piece introduces you to the major chords and notes you'll hear whenever anything of major importance is happening to the Doctor. Whether it be his victory, frustration, sadness, or playful mood, this music will be heard.

While I do remember liking the music used in the program as I watching, I didn't have any idea how truly fantastic it was. This music is wonderfully orchestrated and produced. The music is full, lush, and moving. Other parts are moving with a sweet beauty.

Of course, the eeriest music is from the episode Night Terrors. A little boy is so haunted by his nightmares, he cannot sleep and soon his nightmares become all too real. The music accompanying this episode will make your spine tingle! Violins & children singing a creepy tune are played backwards for maximum fear inducement. 

Other favorites include Terror Of The Reich and The British Are Coming from the Let's Kill Hitler! episode. Both are very different pieces, but expertly portray the moods described by their titles. Terror is a march with strong and terrifying rigidity. British uses a victorious and slightly fun version of God Save The Queen that will have you cheering!

The liner notes written by producer Murray Gold provide details on each episode are a great touch. They also show that Gold didn't want to leave anything to chance. He went to twitter, asking Whovians (Doctor Who fans) what they wanted to hear on the soundtrack and I don't think anything was left out! Gold even rectified a past sin: forgetting a piece from Series 5, "The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box)". 

This generous and complete collection of music is something every Who fan should have in their collection. There is clearly plently of love and artistry involved in each note. I would defy any Who fan to dislike this collection!


I have the last 2 Proms on

I have the last 2 Proms on DVD and there are times when I just play a DVD to listen to the music.
I must go forth onto the 'Net to seek out this Soundtrack!

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