>> Dolly Parton: Dolly (2009)

Artist: Dolly Parton

Album: Dolly

Members: Dolly Parton

Genre: Country, Folk

Label: Sony Legacy

Tracks: 99

Type: Box Set

Release Date: October 27, 2009

Discs: 4

Rating: 3.69 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

99. That is the amount of songs that are included with the Dolly Parton Box Set. Spread out over time, 99 songs is a lot of songs but when they are songs of someone you really don't prefer the style of music then it's a whole lot of songs. Before now I had a passing knowledge of Dolly Parton, mainly being that I knew that she has been in the music business for a long time, it's country music she sings, and the only song I knew was hers is 9 to 5. Other than those few bits of information I really had no clue about her music.

Now, after a long 99 songs later I have a better grasp of Dolly Partons songs. Surprisingly I found myself enjoying her songs and even more surprised at how good Dolly Parton is. With all those songs the meaning of them changes with almost every one but they also stay the same. Dolly Parton sings about falling in love, being in love, losing love, and being able to be on her own. While listening to all those songs I became impressed with her voice and how strong it is. Even more so I was impressed with how none of her songs sound like they have had a sound mixer put to them. Now I don't know if her songs had a sound mixer to them or not but if so it still don't sound like it.

Country or not, I found myself impressed with the Dolly Parton Box Set. As I said Dolly has a really good voice, but not only that her songs all have such emotion behind them that it's hard not to get drawn into them. Throughout the 99 songs she has put in a wide range of emotions making them fun and enjoyable to listen even if they are about losing a love. This box set has it all, well, not sure if it's all of her work, but it's a big chunk of her songs. It spans over her whole music career so that the listener gets to hear how she went from the start of her musical life to the point of being so good she had an amusement park named after her.

Though I still had one problem with the box set and that is with 99 songs and not knowing any of her songs I had to sit and listen through all of them before I could know which ones I liked the most. Now I know this is how it's always done with CD's but listening to around 12 songs to pick out the most favorites and listening to 99, well it took me nearly 3 days to do so. But if you already know the songs of Dolly Parton, which I'm guessing are going to be the ones who are buying the box set, then the Dolly Parton Box Set will offer you a large amount of songs to listen to. If you are a fan of Dolly Parton than this is something I think would make a great place on your CD shelf and if this is the first time listening to her, my advice is to take it slow and enjoy the 99 songs because they are good.


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