>> Everclear: Invisible Stars (2012)

Artist: Everclear

Album: Invisible Stars

Members: Art Alexakis, Dave French, Josh Crawley, Freddy Herrera, Sean Winchester

Genre: Pop, Rock

Label: Entertainment One

Tracks: 12

Type: Digital

Release Date: June 26, 2012

Rating: 4.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

The last time I came across an Everclear album it was a cover album. I enjoyed it, but Invisible Stars marks the bands first original album after a long six year wait. For those who have been waiting, I think you’ll either be pleasantly surprised at how origins this album sounds, but also surprised by how experimental it sounds as well.

I remember the first time I heard Everclear I remember shrugging them off. The band came about at a time when there were so many strange and new bands like Dishwalla and Third Eye Blind. It was college rock at best and not something that I particularly enjoyed. The song was I Will Buy You A New Life, probably long into it’s heyday on pop radio, really, I wasn’t trying to discover this band. In any case it took me some years before I returned to the band and discovered how deep songwriter Art Alexakis’ lyrics were and how accessible the music became because of it. While the band is toting how the new album sounds more aggressive and melodic most fans or even those who have followed Everclear’s progress through the years will probably feel nostalgic about this one.

All of the same elements that have made the band so recognizable are there. Alexakis’ lyrical skills are still in full swing. The album covers such topics as growing up or seeing the world through the eyes of a child, the complexities of relationships, romantic or otherwise, and journal entries that sound rooted closer to the truth then most people will give them credit for. The album just feels like a conversation with an old friend about how they’ve been, where their going, and some advice on how to get by when the world gives you lemons.

Musically it all sounds the very same to me. The only differences that really pop up are probably due to having read the bands bio page in which Alexakis goes on about his love for Devo and The Cars and how the synths in those bands were so upfront and noticeable. I get that when I listen to the back end of Invisible Stars. Still, while the band gives the album a steady rock core the album comes down to the lyrics. The album reads like a book, the music, that’s just a bonus. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.




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