>> Fierce Creatures: Catacomb Party (2012)

Artist: Fierce Creatures

Album: Catacomb Party

Members: Mathr, Amanda, Mike, Jon, Joel, Nathaniel and Tomas

Genre: Other, Rock

Label: Paper Garden Records

Tracks: 10

Type: Digital

Release Date: September 11, 2012

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Sometimes, after a hard day at work, you want to come home to something that is comforting, nostalgic if you will. Today was a hard day and I just wanted to relax but I knew that I had to get a couple of reviews out of the way before I could kick off my shoes and sit back. Fortunately one of the reviews I had to do today was for Fierce Creatures latest release Catacomb Party. From the first note off the album I was both relieved my review wasn’t going to be a screamo band that would put me on edge for the rest of my day or something else unknown. Instead Fierce Creatures offered me a slice of nostalgic bliss and a very fine album to start off my relaxing day with. 

When I say nostalgic I mean that every song on the album reminded me of music starting from the late 70’s to the present, picked of course from some of my favorite bands. There was a little bit of The Cure, Vampire Weekend, some early post-Joy Division New Order, Bends era to Kid A Radiohead, some Drums, but all delivered in a way that didn’t seem to be mimicry but rather passion and talent. 
So there I was in my desk chair turned around and playing Xbox when the music began and I paused, turned, and smiled. Everything from the echoing lo-fi like vocals to the wide range of guitar style to the switching up of male and female lead vocals just wowed me. It was a love letter to its aforementioned founding fathers met with the technology of today’s music with epic hooks and beautiful constructions wrapped around the enjoyment of the post punk effort from way back when. The bass was amazing and catchy, the drums were excellently paced, guitar (as I said) jumping from reverb action to watery echoes and dark new wave passages. I really loved this album. After reading this review you’ll know weather or not you’ll find it interesting yourself. Well worth checking out. 
Listen @ Bandcamp



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