>> Frances England: Mind Of My Own (2010)

Artist: Frances England

Album: Mind Of My Own

Members: Frances England, Jeff Koch, Andrew Higgins

Genre: Folk, Kids, Pop

Label: Paper Birds Records

Tracks: 15

Type: LP

Release Date: November 9, 2010

Rating: 3.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Did you know?

Frances creates all the artwork for her album covers as well as her website.

It is obvious that I don’t have kids, because I had no clue who Frances England was when I popped in her latest CD.  And honestly it still took me awhile to catch on during that initial listen.  Granted if I really paid attention to the song titles and, I don’t know, lyrics then I probably would’ve figured it out a lot sooner.  But I guess that’s what this, new to me, “kindie rock” scene is all about, music for kids that adults can like too.  
Don’t get me wrong, I knew Dan Zanes has been performing to the younger set for awhile now.  And I remember my sister playing Laurie Berkner for my nephew when he was first growing up.  I even have a couple of the They Might Be Giants kid’s albums simply because I enjoy TMBG.  But overall I am oblivious to what’s going on in music geared towards children nowadays.  I don’t watch Yo Gabba Gabba and I still have no idea what Gustafer Yellowgold is all about.  So it’s no surprise that Frances England flew under my radar.
But I am glad that I got a chance to discover her, ‘cause she can write some really catchy tunes.  Just glancing back over the track listing, I can hear those songs start playing in my head and that rarely happens.  I dare anyone to listen to “Cookies and Milk” and not sing along to it for the rest of the day.  Then she goes and makes a reference to James Brown in one song and writes another one about Jacques Cousteau, and that’s nothing like what I listened to growing up.  And her songs are good enough that you’re not going to mind hearing them over again and again, which you know is going to happen in all those minivans and crossovers out there.
She has a familiar yet distinctive voice, so listening to this Frances England album is a little like hearing something from Suzanne Vega or Lisa Loeb, which might be attributed to the production work of Tor Hyams.  And she even brought in Mates of State to contribute on “Place In Your Heart,” giving her plenty of indie cred.  I understand that she has two prior lo-fi albums, both of which have been included on best of the decade lists for children’s albums.  I gotta admit that I’m kind of curious to hear those now, even if I don’t have a toddler to buy one for. 
Mind of My Own is great for anyone who has a kid, knows someone who has a kid or just wants to remember what it was like being a kid, so get yourself a copy and hit repeat.


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