>> Frenzy (2009)

Artist: Suicide City

Album: Frenzy

Members: Jennifer Arroyo, Billy Graziadei, AJ Marchetta, Dan Lamagna, Karl Bernholtz

Genre: Metal, Punk, Rock

Label: The End Records

Tracks: 15

Release Date: August 4, 2009

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.48 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

Suicide City is a band that is playing some punk rock music that sounds like it could fit right along with the bands that made punk rock popular. In that one sentence that is what I got from listening to the CD Frenzy by Suicide City. At first I wasn't that impressed with the songs but that was with the first go round on listening. After the third time of listening to the CD I was still not that impressed with the songs but I was starting to like them.
This band does sound a lot like some of the older, well known, punk rock bands out there already, which is why I was not impressed with these songs. Sure they way they are played is good and the vocals are decent as well, but it just felt like I was listening to that local band that plays at the bar as they played songs by other bands. My main gripe that I have with the CD Frenzy is that with some of the songs there just wasn't the energy that a punk rock song should have. When listening to punk rock I expect to get the boost of energy in my body that would make me want to bounce off a wall. This doesn't happen with these songs. At best I was getting my top half of body doing the bobbing dance move but nothing beyond that.
Though there are a few gems found on this CD, the whole of it was just an ok experience for me. What was needed with Frenzy is a lot more power put into the songs. The vocals are good but good for maybe a heavy metal song, which also goes for the instruments. But don't get me wrong when I say there wasn't enough energy in the songs so I didn't like them. I do like Frenzy, just that I felt there wasn't enough energy behind the songs. As I said at the start of this, the songs were played in a style that reminds me of old style punk rock and for that reason I found myself liking the songs. They are all well played and the vocals are pretty good as well, which work well with each, and sometimes that is something that doesn’t happen, it's one or the other.
What I took from this CD is that the songs seemed a little dark and foreboding. I don't know if this is the meaning they were going for since I really don't understand what is being said for the most part with the songs but the sound of them is not happy go lucky. Though I was a little thrown off by one song that is just 17 seconds long. This one very short song just seems to have been put there for no reason other then the band wanted it there. With that one little bit of confusion and the semi lack of energy from the songs I found this CD to be a decent but not great CD. Suicide City is a band that can play a good song and I think they have it in them to make a great CD, so when it happens I'll be ready to hear it.



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