>> Gameday Regulars: ...But it's Hell in the Hallway (2011)

Artist: Gameday Regulars

Album: ...But it's Hell in the Hallway

Members: Will Romeo, Gino Romeo, Kenny Fletcher

Genre: Punk, Rock

Label: Mightier Than Sword Records

Tracks: 6

Type: EP

Release Date: September 27, 2011

Rating: 2.70 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

Punk rock band Gameday Regulars hails straight from the Bronx in New York, and they bring with them a unique style that feels more in tune with regular rock than it does with its more hardcore punk counterpart.  …But it's Hell in the Hallway contains only six tracks, giving audiences only a small sample of what Gameday Regulars is all about. Still, it’s plenty enough to form a good opinion on their music.

The EP starts off strong with some heavy rock guitar intros as the music steadily builds. It’s fast and exactly what you would expect from this genre of band. Then the vocals hit. Unfortunately, the singing of lead singer Will Romeo doesn’t sit well with me. It sounds as if he has a cold and can’t breathe through his nose. By the time you get to the third or fourth track, you’re used to it, but you can’t help but cringe whenever the lyrics come up.

Gameday Regulars has some good things going for it but the band could use some improvement. The rocking guitar solos do just that; they rock, but the vocals could be a little smoother. Still, the band is worth listening to, even if it’s only on Spotify, Pandora, or some other music streaming service.


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