>> Hill & the Sky Heroes: 11:11 (2012)

Artist: Hill & The Sky Heroes

Album: 11:11

Members: Hill Kourkoutis

Genre: Other, Rock

Label: PuckEye Records/EMI Music Canada

Tracks: 11

Release Date: June 19, 2012

Discs: 1

Notes: Import

Rating: 3.41 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Ok, according to iTunes playlist, Hill & the Sky Heroes is alien surf rock. I’m not sure what alien surf rock is, actually it’s the first time I’ve even heard of it as a genre for music, but I can say that I like it whatever it is. Could be though I just like Hill & the Sky Heroes and because they are an alien surf rock band that in turn makes me like the genre. Not that it really matters what genre it is, what does matter is the music being played, and that music is a bundle of fun to listen to.
Opening with the song “Beam Me Up”, I wasn’t exactly sure that I had heard what I did so I hit the replay button so I could get another shot at what was being said. Hill Kourkoutis, yes that’s her name, opens this song with vocals that sound like it will be on the line of alternative rock but then as the lyrics progress I was able to hear that she isn’t going to be the usual rocker. The lyrics to her songs have this edge that make them have a meaning, one saying I’m going to do it my way so get out of my way. She has a sultry and sexy voice that is a little hypnotizing when I was listening to her sing. Listening to Hill Kourkoutis sing was like listening to the sirens of lore but with this rebellious edge.
I was taken with the songs right off because of the edge and energy they have but when I heard what sounded like a kazoo being played in one song I was hooked. Now I don’t know if it was an actual kazoo but it had the sound and it went perfectly with the melody of the instrumentals and vocals. It’s the rebellious sound and edge that I like about these songs and how they are played. They are not chipper, happy, I’m in love songs, nor are they the depressed I hate the world songs, they’re angry, I’m not going to take it from you or anyone else songs. The anger can be heard in the short, hard beats of the drums as well as in the quick notes being played on the guitar. However it’s the vocals and the lyrics that give the songs their power and make them worth listening to. 


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